
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded its first grants “to support more livable and sustainable communities” — nearly $100 million for 45 areas across the country.
A complex with a 29,000 sq. ft. supermarket on its second level defies the depression in commercial real estate.
The findings could give encouragement to policy-makers who seek to promote compact, walkable neighborhoods for sustainability reasons, the authors write.
Steiner & Associates, a leading developer and manager of mixed-use town centers, will relinquish management of three town centers, reports the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal.
Update: Metro issued an RFP for what it called the "Nation's biggest TOD opportunity."
Yahoo has a travel article called "Coolest Suburbs Worth a Visit" that makes the contrarian argument that suburbs are becoming cool. It lists 10 supposedly cool suburbs across the US.
Motorists aged 21 to 30 now account for 14% of miles driven, down from 21% in 1995.
The 3.9-mile-long, 17-stop Tucson streetcar line, planned to connect downtown to neighborhoods to the west and the University of Arizona and University Medical Center, isn't expected to run until 2013.
Something must be done to reduce collisions between cyclists and pedestrians, activists in New York insist. But what should it be?
The 2010 Jane Jacobs Medal has been presented to Joshua David and Robert Hammond, cofounders of Friends of the High Line, and Elizabeth Barlow Rogers of the Central Park Conservancy. The Friends group has raised nearly $50 million for construction...
Washington, DC, architect Milton Grenfell has gathered 273 architectural details that appeared in the architectural journal Pencil Points from 1932 to 1937 and has supplemented them with a dozen new details from traditional architects practicing...
Publisher and real estate manager Diane Dorney has been hired to revitalize the Seaside Institute, which has languished since Phyllis Bleiweis stepped down in early 2009 after 13 years as executive director and moved to Serenbe, a new community...