
A new study of multifamily buildings shows that those with a single stairwell are just as safe as those with two sets of stairs. This could be a key to more infill, missing middle housing.
Who knew the difference a staircase makes? US requirements that multifamily buildings have more than one staircase damages cities. Amidst calls for reform, CNU Mid-Atlantic is offering a prize for the best single-stair building design for Baltimore.
A widespread shortage of affordable housing is causing local jurisdictions to amend their land-use regulations. Here’s a list of 10 highly effective reforms, with notes on why they are needed.
Small changes to zoning bylaws are making a big difference in the Green Mountain State.
We prepare codes because it is the most abstract, rigorous, and intellectually refined practice available to a designer. It is also verifiable: by being projected into the world, codes engage a reality that can lead to resounding failure (or success...
Zoning rarely gets discussed as directly related to health, but communities that have reformed their codes see health benefits, from reduced rates of cancer to greater physical activity—which in turn lowers disease and improves mental health.
A longitudinal study found a 53 percent increase in new urbanist type zoning in the US during the previous decade, and support for infrastructure that boosts physical activity, and ultimately, health.
Zoning reform tools can enable better places, affordable housing, and complete communities, according to a discussion on CNU's On the Park Bench.
Nolan Gray joins CNU's On the Park Bench for a discussion of zoning, its history and problems, and what to do about it.
The New York Times recently reported on Buffalo’s “other story,” an unexpected and dramatic increase in population in the last decade, the first time this had happened in 70 years. The “other story” in the Times headline is a reference to the...
At a time when the need for zoning reform is gaining intellectual currency and credibility, one of the most important city land-use regulatory changes of recent years has suffered a legal setback.
CNU’s Project for Code Reform completed a report for Wisconsin municipalities, Enabling Better Places, building on similar reports for Michigan and Vermont, and one upcoming in New Hampshire.