The Nolli Map is the most underutilized tool in the designer/developer tool box. It provides an intimate understanding of place.
Here's how great walking environments benefit eating and drinking establishments (and vice-versa).
Cities that blend old and new are helping to define urbanism in the 21st Century.
“Sense of place” is not some nebulous, mystical idea. Sense of place is the emotional or psychological reaction to "place," as shown in the graphic above, created by Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA).
Older and smaller buildings and a wide range in building age offer real economic and social benefits for neighborhoods and urban centers.
Here's a preview of what you will see and do in Seattle at the 25th annual Congress for the New Urbanism this May.
Grids are easy and inexpensive—they are a natural way to design streets. But the convention for much of the last century is to model streets on sewer systems.
Urban design and architecture on a leftover parcel bring a campus and a Los Angeles neighborhood closer together.
Gehry's Guggenheim museum itself did not make the difference—rather the new public realm attracted and kept people and businesses in Bilbao.
Great Barrington’s Main Street should be a place where place people want to get out of their cars to shop, eat, and socialize—under a canopy of trees. That’s not what state departments of transportation build, however.