Project Database
This searchable database of projects represents the range and diversity of work in the New Urbanism. From regional-scale visions to single-building historic renovations, CNU members and their allies build places people love through land use planning, development, policy, and advocacy. If you are aware of a project that you believe should be part of the database, please email Robert Steuteville or Lauren Mayer.
Riverfront Parkway
Chattanooga, Tennessee
The Riverfront Parkway in Chattanooga, Tennessee, once conceived as a waterfront freight route quickly became a physical barrier to the city’s riverfront.
Park East Freeway
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The Park East Freeway was an unfinished highway intended to extend east towards Lake Michigan and then run south along the shore.
Cheonggye Freeway
Seoul, South Korea
High-volume expressways were a symbol of economic progress after the Korean War in South Korea. In Seoul, “progress” came with an ecological cost.
Bonaventure Expressway transformation
Montreal, Canada
Montreal began ripping down the Bonaventure Expressway in July 2016, 50 years after the 11 lane roadway was built. The promise to replace the highway received wide support, including the blessing of Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre.
Claiborne Expressway campaign
New Orleans, Louisiana
Settled in the heart of New Orleans, a once thriving commercial district filled with cafes and restaurants, grocers, music venues, and other businesses sustaining daily neighborhood activities lined the streets of North Claiborne Avenue.
Gardiner Expressway
Toronto, Canada
Built between 1955 and 1966 by the Ministry of Transportation of Toronto (MTO), Toronto's Frederick G. Gardiner Expressway is a major east-west thoroughfare that connects downtown Toronto to its western suburbs.
Dallas, Texas
I-345 is the official name of a 1.4 mile elevated freeway running between downtown Dallas and the adjacent neighborhood of Deep Ellum. The freeway was built in 1973 to connect the Woodall Rogers Freeway to I-30.
I-70 St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri
When I-70 divided the city of St. Louis from the Mississippi riverfront in 1964, it devastated the vitality of the downtown area and isolated one of the most iconic architectural treasures in the United States, the Gateway Arch, from the city.
McGrath Highway
Somerville, Massachusetts
Since 1928, the McGrath Highway - between the Charles and Mystic Rivers in Boston - has increased motorists’ travel speed, to the detriment of all other modes.