Project Database
This searchable database of projects represents the range and diversity of work in the New Urbanism. From regional-scale visions to single-building historic renovations, CNU members and their allies build places people love through land use planning, development, policy, and advocacy. If you are aware of a project that you believe should be part of the database, please email Robert Steuteville or Lauren Mayer.
Ellis Square #thisisCNU
Savannah, Georgia
"Ellis Square is one of the great stories of preservation and restoration in Savannah," says the group Discover Historic America.
Clarendon Center #thisisCNU
Arlington, Virginia
Building density that supports walkable urban centers is a key strategy of new urbanists—but this goal is challenging in already built-out suburbs.
Westlawn Gardens #thisisCNU
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Born as a public housing tract on Milwaukee’s northwest side, Westlawn was originally developed in the 1950s to provide affordable dwellings for families.
Storrs Center #thisisCNU
Mansfield, Connecticut
For a town with a major educational institution—the University of Connecticut—Mansfield was surprisingly short of urban amenities until a few years ago.
Highlands Garden Village #thisisCNU
Denver, Colorado
For a century, the 27-acre Elitch Gardens amusement park was an exciting destination for Denver, CO—until the facility moved in the 1990s.
UCLA Weyburn #thisisCNU
Los Angeles, California
For the University of California in Los Angeles, the Weyburn project is more than just graduate student housing.
Martin Luther King Plaza #thisisCNU
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Hawthorne neighborhood in Philadelphia has come back to life—catalyzed by Martin Luther King Plaza, the redevelopment of a former high-rise public housing project.
Baldwin Park #thisisCNU
Orlando, Florida
In the mid-1990s, the City of Orlando faced the closure of the 1,100-acre Naval Training Center, two miles from downtown. The easiest reuse option for the land would have included big box stores, an office park, and/or suburban housing pods.
Granary Row #thisisCNU
Salt Lake City, Utah
The width of streets in Salt Lake City are legendary. According to a popular story, Brigham Young, who led the Mormons in founding the city, wanted a team of oxen to be able to turn around in the street with room to spare.
Porchfest, Decatur, Georgia #thisisCNU
Decatur, Georgia
For one warm fall Sunday afternoon, “the most diverse musical lineup of any festival in Georgia,” according to one reviewer, transformed a neighborhood in Decatur, an inner-ring suburb of Atlanta.