Charter Award | Page 5 | CNU
  • ReLeaf Cedar Rapids

    Trees are such a ubiquitous part of the urban landscape that their vital role is sometimes overlooked. Nearly every New Urbanist plan makes prominent use of them, and yet the word “tree” does not appear in the Charter of the New Urbanism , observes Jeff Speck, planner and author of Walkable City...Read more
  • Larkin Place

    Larkin Place in Elgin, Illinois, consists of new multifamily buildings—designed to look like single houses—and the reuse of a historic orphanage into apartments and community space. This $13 million, 3.5-acre, 48-unit development is served by bus transit, near urban retail and services, across the...Read more
  • Higher Ground Initiative

    The stakes could not be higher for The Republic of Nauru, an eight-square-mile island nation of 12,500 people in the central Pacific Ocean. The island rises 65 meters (213 feet) above sea level, its majority indigenous inhabitants descending from a 3000-year-old Micronesian culture. Much of the...Read more
  • Willkommen Urban Infill

    Over-the-Rhine (OTR) in Cincinnati is one of the nation’s best-known preservation stories, with reoccupied architecture in the last 15 years that rivals the finest historic districts in cities like New Orleans and Charleston—but the district has also suffered a significant loss of affordable...Read more