Charles Marohn
Charles Marohn—known as “Chuck” to friends and colleagues—is the founder and president of Strong Towns. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning, both from the University of Minnesota. He has decades of experience in planning and engineering.
Sprawl is not the problem
Note: This is a guest article from Strong Towns, which will attend and cover CNU 24 in Detroit.
Recently, I made a few people upset with me by asking that I not be called a smart growth advocate. Actually, I received a lot of email and messages on...
The cost of an extra foot
Our cities desperately need professional engineers to realign their values to reflect those of the broader society, and we can start by making streets no wider than they need to be.
Every traffic projection is wrong
Instead of accepting that dynamic relations of traffic are unknowable and developing a management approach that does not rely on false projections to provide an illusion of certainty, traffic modelers make their models more complicated and opaque.