Doug Kelbaugh
Doug Kelbaugh, FAIA FCNU, is Dean Emeritus of the Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. He is an author of many articles and books, including The Urban Fix. He lives in Seattle, Washington.
The magic of urban trees
In a city like Seattle, more than 100,000 trees could be planted at intersections alone. These trees would provide enormous psychological, social, environmental, and economic benefit.
Reconfronting sprawl: Still paved with good intentions and asphalt
After taking a back seat to urban revival for a decade or more, American suburbs are once again in the driver's seat of growth. Can they be built sustainably?
The magic of urban trees
In a city like Seattle, more than 100,000 trees could be planted at intersections alone. These trees would provide enormous psychological, social, environmental, and economic benefit.