CNU Staff
CNU Staff are dedicated to the mission of the organization, put on the annual Congress, and carry out the many programs and projects of CNU. Staff work out of the main office in DC and offices in Chicago, IL, Ithaca, NY, and Beaufort, SC.
CNU in Louisville: How to engage
Here's the clearest and most complete explanation of the nuts and bolts of CNU's annual Congress and how to engage at every level. CNU 27.Louisville begins June 12, 2019, but engagement starts in less than two weeks.
Leveraging proximity to downtown, physical assets, and culture
An initiative for Westside Atlanta—an area replete with civil rights history—combines new housing and public realm improvements with a wide range of social and philanthropic programs designed to help legacy residents to thrive while the area redevelops.
New guide offers communities a path to zoning reform
CNU teams with the State of Vermont to promote incremental steps to housing access and affordability in communities of all sizes.