Michael Huston
Michael Huston is an architect and urbanist based in St. Petersburg, Florida. His background includes a decade of designing educational facilities followed by a number of years devoted to downtown revitalization in Louisville, KY, working first with city government in urban design, historic preservation and neighborhood planning, and subsequently in partnership with a developer specializing in adaptive re-use and urban mixed-use projects. His experience gives him a unique perspective from both the public and private sectors of planning and development. In 2012, Huston joined DPZ CoDesign (Duany Plater-Zyberk) as a senior designer and project manager. While at DPZ he participated in over 50 urban design projects including master plans for downtown revitalization, transit-oriented development, neighborhood planning, sprawl repair, building type studies and form-based-codes. In 2018 Huston moved to St Petersburg, Florida to be closer to family. There, he founded Urban Arts Inc. and is opening a studio and gallery on bustling Central Avenue. Huston is a licensed architect in the states of Florida and Kentucky and a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). He is a LEED Accredited Professional and member of the Congress for the New Urbanism and the American Planning Association.