
Catalytic development takes place where strategic, integrated investments are made in a concentrated, walkable urban area.
After two decades of development, Orenco Station offers urban living at a transit station west of Portland.
Green urbanism, successional development, and the creation of unique, walkable places are among the National Town Builders Association topics.
CNU partnered with a small city and citizens to create a toolbox with immediate practical usefulness for a segment of the old Dixie Highway in Georgia.
I don't often write about skyscrapers, but this proposal includes smart urban design moves.
Parsons Alley activates abandoned properties, creates a popular and lively new public place, and attracts businesses that appeal to young professionals.
The recently opened nine-block development in Southwest DC is the largest expanse of "shared space" in the US.
After all these years, Jacobs's thinking still contrasts starkly with the planning and economic orthodoxy of assembling large sites for master development and subsidizing the likes of Amazon.
Although market urbanists like walkable urbanism, they often focus on issues that are not at the core of New Urbanism.
The options for missing middle housing on a small redevelopment site are many, so here's a process to decide what choices make sense. Part 1.
A well-known new urban project has begun to reshape the relentless sprawl around it, but communities shouldn't wait for that to happen.
Glenwood Park Atlanta brownstones
Glenwood Park, Atlanta, on a former industrial site, was built to restore confidence that humanity can create wonderful, walkable, loveable places.