
The Minnesota capital has major redevelopments underway, using principles of the Charter of the New Urbanism.
New Urbanism needs an optimum combination of standardization and customization, drawing lessons from other industries—and from natural systems.
A grassroots organization, Reconnecting Pasadena, helped to defeat an in-city freeway by proposing a mixed-use, urban alternative.
How quickly we have gotten used to a world that has seemingly stopped. I was out running yesterday morning, and came across construction workers who were moving and positioning heavy equipment for a development project near the waterfront of my city...
A massive skyscraper is being renovated as a mixed-use, walkable urban center in a city that was pronounced dead not too long ago.
The Mueller Airport redevelopment has charted a path to become one of the most livable, walkable places in Austin, Texas, with substantial affordable housing.
Milwaukee's Park East Corridor, on the national stage this summer, ultimately changed how the city views itself.
The town of Seaside has had an impact on city building in America over the last four decades. Here are 16 ways that the Florida Panhandle resort influenced development.
The American housing industry is changing course—and this will transform neighborhoods and communities over time by providing more and different choices in housing.
Three women developers from across the US are helping to bring back their home cities.
Elkhart, Indiana, is implementing plans to attract young, talented, workers to start businesses and boost the economy.
Carmel, Indiana, builds a high-quality public realm at the heart of its new Midtown district.