Project Database
This searchable database of projects represents the range and diversity of work in the New Urbanism. From regional-scale visions to single-building historic renovations, CNU members and their allies build places people love through land use planning, development, policy, and advocacy. If you are aware of a project that you believe should be part of the database, please email Robert Steuteville or Lauren Mayer.
Finley Street Cottages
Atlanta, Georgia
Two single-family lots (each about a third of an acre) were filled in with 16 courtyard units in Atlanta, creating a model for attainable workforce housing.
Eddy Street Neighborhood
South Bend, Indiana
In a public-private partnership, a developer worked with University of Notre Dame, a local revitalization group, and the City of South Bend to create a new 48-acre neighborhood.
Casa de Luz
Austin, Texas
Casa de Luz is a case study that teaches the value of thinking differently about health, food, parking, and community building. Although the project covers less than an acre, it has an outsized impact on the City of Austin, Texas.
Pullman Artspace Lofts
Chicago, Illinois
When neighborhoods revitalize, full-time artists are often squeezed out by skyrocketing rents.
Hearth: Memorial to the Enslaved at William & Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia
A dynamic, compelling civic monument that recognizes past harms, Hearth: Memorial to the Enslaved at William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, is imbued with deep meaning.
Albany Skyway
Albany, New York
Cities across America have been damaged and disfigured by urban freeways—and the recently completed Albany Skyway shows how they can begin to heal.
ReLeaf Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Trees are such a ubiquitous part of the urban landscape that their vital role is sometimes overlooked.
Larkin Place
Elgin, Illinois
Larkin Place in Elgin, Illinois, consists of new multifamily buildings—designed to look like single houses—and the reuse of a historic orphanage into apartments and community space.
Higher Ground Initiative
, Nauru
The stakes could not be higher for The Republic of Nauru, an eight-square-mile island nation of 12,500 people in the central Pacific Ocean.
Willkommen Urban Infill
Cincinnati, Ohio
Over-the-Rhine (OTR) in Cincinnati is one of the nation’s best-known preservation stories, with reoccupied architecture in the last 15 years that rivals the finest historic districts in cities like New Orleans and Charleston—but the dist